IEEE Student Branch, Sabancı University



Sabancı University IEEE Student Branch is one of Sabancı University's largest student clubs with an interdisciplinary structure that organizes innovative events and trainings. In addition to hosting students from almost every branch of engineering, it also carries out activities that can contribute to the development of students from a wide range of fields other than engineering.


Sabancı University IEEE Student Branch is one of Sabancı University's largest student clubs with an interdisciplinary structure that organizes innovative events and trainings. In addition to hosting students from almost every branch of engineering, it also carries out activities that can contribute to the development of students from a wide range of fields other than engineering. Sabancı IEEE Student Club consists of Women in Engineering, Computer Society, Engineering in Medicine and Biology sub-communities and the Surover team.


As one of the most active student clubs at Sabancı University, it hosts many students who want to improve themselves in extracurricular activities, try to create benefits, come together and develop a sense of co-creation through workshops, research groups, inspirational and academic events, and seminars.

Klüp tüzüğü için tıklayınız.

Name SurnameMailPositionJob description
Ömer Saltuk Sukasomer.sukas@sabanciuniv.eduPresidentIEEE Sabancı Board President
Büşra Banazbbanaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSupervisory Board (Communication Department)
Ekin Su Gümüşekin.gumus@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSupervisory Board (PR Department)
Sıla Aksoyfsila@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSupervisory Board (Organization Department)
Yunus Emre Ulusoyyunus.ulusoy@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSupervisory Board (Organization Department)
Ahmet Yelboğaahmet.yelboga@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSU Rover Team Captain
Ahsen Öztürkahsenozturk@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberCS President
Bahar Akbaşbahar.akbas@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberWie Vice President
Elif Yuvaelif.yuva@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberCS Vice President
Miray Güneşmiray.gunes@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberEMBS Co-President
Pelin Erdoğanpelin.erdogan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSU Rover Team Captain
Taha Çakmaktcakmak@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSU Rover Team Captain
Zeynep Çelikhisarzeynep.celikhisar@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberWie Vice President
Zeynep Şahinzeynep.sahin1@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberWie President
İlayda Kaytaranilaydakaytaran@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberEMBS Co-President