Horseback Riding Club



As Sabancı University Horseback Riding Club, we are here to share our interest and passion for the equestrian sport. Our club keeps its doors open to anyone who loves horses, nature, and equestrian sports, and we strive to provide our members with unforgettable experiences.

To promote the equestrian sport, our club organizes various activities, including equestrian competitions, horse shows, and other events. These activities offer our members the opportunity to get a closer look at and experience the equestrian sport. Additionally, trainings are provided in a location near our campus, making our equestrian education easily accessible.

It provides those interested in equestrian sports with the opportunity to learn basic riding techniques as well as more advanced skills. Our trainings are conducted by experienced coaches and designed to cater to riders of all levels. While teaching basic riding techniques to beginners, we organize intra-club small-scale competitions and trail rides for members who have reached a sufficient level in their equestrian lessons. For those who succeed in the courses, the path to becoming a licensed rider and participating in professional competitions is open. Our club is always working to promote the equestrian sport and ensure that our members develop a love for it.

Equestrian sport is not only a physical activity but also requires mental discipline. It teaches values such as patience, discipline, trust, and teamwork. Our club assists our members in learning these values and in developing themselves through the equestrian sport.

If you are also interested in equestrian sports and would like to join our club, we would be delighted to have you among us.

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Name SurnameMailPosition
Furkan Yiğit Bakımyigit.bakim@sabanciuniv.eduPresident
Arda Karayelarda.karayel@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Azize Keriman Kazdağlıazize.kazdagli@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Doğa Afra Saraçdoga.atac@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Elif Sude Meydanelifsude@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Fatih Onur Geçkilfatih.geckil@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
İpek Solmazipek.solmaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Melih Durhasanmelih.durhasan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Neris Tokmakneris.tokmak@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Nil Yılmaznil.yilmaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Selma Takmaklıselma.takmakli@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member