kAi - Airtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Club


OFFICAL CLUB MAIL: kaisabanci.sr@sabanciuniv.edu 

kAi Sabanci is a vibrant AI student club at Sabanci University, established in 2023 with a shared vision of fostering innovation in the field of AI/ML. Led by an enthusiastic group of students who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology, our club endeavors to develop cutting-edge AI/ML projects while facilitating knowledge-sharing through enlightening events and workshops. With exclusive perks, such as access to Nvidia Jetson cards, priority spots in workshops and events, and guidance from Nvidia Engineers, kAi Sabanci provides its members with invaluable resources and a platform to explore the exciting world of AI/ML. Join us and be a part of the dynamic community that is shaping the future of AI at Sabanci University.

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Name SurnameMailPositionJob description / Branch Name


serhan.yilmaz@sabanciuniv.eduPresidentPresident of kAi Sabanci
Sadiq Qarasadig.gara@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentVP mainly responsible for WebDev
Kourosh Sharifikourosh.sharifi@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentVP
Ege Kaan Ozalpegekaan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberBoard Member of kAi Sabanci
Arya Hassibiarya.hassibi@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberBoard Member of kAi Sabanci
Kutluhan Ayguzelkutluhan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberBoard Member of kAi Sabanci - In charge of Sponsorships