Pandora Science Fiction and Fantasy Club (BKFK)

Oficial Club Mail:

At Pandora BKFK we aim to spread the culture of Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction. Our club is here to help anyone who's curious about board games thanks to our huge range of board games. We also aim to create community where people can socialise and have fun, by organising all sorts of board game TCG and FRP events.

Click here for the club charter.

Name SurnameMailPosition
Mehmet Ali Bağıbalaali.bagibala@sabanciuniv.eduPresident
Nisanur Dinçernisanur.dincer@sabanciuniv.eduCo-President
Yağız Büyükakbaşyagiz.buyukakkas@sabanciuniv.eduCo-President
Ali Yağız Kıvrakali.kivrak@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Alihan Kapcakalihan.kapcak@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Beren Gülerberen.guler@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Emre Öyüşemre.oyus@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Yeşim Tosunyesim.tosun@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Ahmet Hakan Çelikağıahmet.celikagi@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Arda Gencerarda.gencer@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Arda Umut Dikbaşarda.dikbas@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Can Aldağcan.aldag@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Dersu Dinçdersu.dinc@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Furkan Gönenfurkan.gonen@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Mehmet Akyelmehmet.akyel@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Ulaş Denizulas.deniz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Efe Aydınefe.aydin1@sabanciuniv.eduClub Scout
Murat Atasoyumurat.atasoyu@sabanciuniv.eduClub Scout