Radio Club (RADYOSU)


Sabanci University Radio Club aims to guide students who have successfully received preparation classes to produce their own broadcast. Besides broadcasting this club provides many professional pieces of equipment to those who want to take DJ classes. In many different occasion, RadyoSU gives students the opportunity to meet many known broadcasters under the name of RadyoSU Days. In order to be a part of these RadyoSU Days, students learn to cooperate with each other in order to build up the structure of the event.

Kulüp tüzüğü için tıklayınız.

Name SurnameMailPositionJob description
Kutluhan Gökkutluhan.gok@sabanciuniv.eduPresidentBaşkan
Metehan Erdoğanmetehan.erdogan@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentMYK
Burcu Ekmekçiburcu.ekmekci@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentMYK
Serra Şanlısoyserra.sanlisoy@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberPR YK
Doğukan Özbakırdozbakir@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberPR YK
Doğa Gökdemirdoga.gokdemir@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberPR YK
Berke Basri Canberke.can@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYAYIN YK
İsa Utku Dursunoğluutku.dursunoglu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYAYIN YK
İrfan Efe İnalirfan.inal@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYAYIN YK
Ataberk Uysalataberkuysal@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYAYIN YK
Mert Gençgmert@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberPROD YK
Emre Zeytinoğluemrezeytinoglu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberDJ YK
Ediz Çeriedizceri@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberPROD YK
Emircan Tartaremircan.tartar@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberDJ YK
Dorukhan Emiraldalpagu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberORGANIZASYON YK
Zeynep Özilerzeynep.oziler@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberORGANIZASYON YK
Murat Gürbüzmuratgurbuz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberORGANIZASYON YK
Pelin Erdoğanpelin.erdogan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberORGANIZASYON YK
Yağmur Batmazyagmur.batmaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberORGANIZASYON YK