Ultimate Frisbee Club (Seahawks)

OFFICAL CLUB MAIL: seahawks-ultimate@sabanciuniv.edu

Our team and players are actively participating in  tournaments both in Turkey and abroad since 2016. We have attended tournaments in several cities including Istanbul, Ankara, Mugla, Aydin, Eskisehir, Canakkale, Amsterdam and Czhecia. Besides our victories two years in a row in the federation cup 2021-2022 & 2022-2023 and  us winning the title of “the best university team”, we have other accomplishments including first, second, third places and  “Spirit of the Game” wins. We do not only attend tournaments but we are also organizing the “Seahawks Invite” Tournament since 2019. 

Kulüp tüzüğü için tıklayınız.

Name SurnameMailPositionJob description
Sıla Çalmansila.calman@sabanciuniv.eduPresidentKulüp Başkanı
Tarık Değertarik.deger@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSosyal Medya Sorumlusu
Tolga Ergünertolga.erguner@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSosyal Medya Sorumlusu
Efe Şerifoğluefe.serifoglu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSponsorluk YK
Ekin Yücesanekin.yucesan@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentBaşkan Yardımcısı
Zeyneb Neris Yılmazneris.yilmaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberMalzeme YK
Can Özcan Daicandai@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberTakım Kaptanı