Turkish Japanese Cultural Interaction Club (SUTJEK)

OFFICAL CLUB MAIL: sutjek@sabanciuniv.edu 


SUTJEK is a cultural interaction and socialization club. The aim of our club is to create a friendly environment to socialize and have fun by organizing events with a common interest in Japanese culture. These activities include frequent events where we try Asian Cuisine, Karaoke nights, weekly screenings, a Cosplay Party (Costume Party) once a semester, Sakura Day, where we celebrate the blossoming of the "sakura'' trees in our school in the spring, and many other events to showcase Japanese culture.

Kulüp tüzüğü için tıklayınız.

Name SurnameMailPositionJob description
Efe Dirlikefe.dirlik@sabanciuniv.eduPresidentBaşkan
Efekan Ergünefekanergun@sabanciuniv.eduVice PresidentBaşkan Yardımcısı
Emre Amukemre.amuk@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberOrganizatör
Yağız Toprak Işıkitoprak@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberSosyal Medya Görevlisi
Ece Naz Erülkereceerulker@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Arca Özkanarcaozkan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Suat Utku İnaluinal@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberYürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Erdem Ünalerdemunal@sabanciuniv.eduBoard MemberGösterim Organizatörü