Outdoor Sports Club



OFFICAL CLUB MAIL: sudosk@sabanciuniv.edu


Sabancı University Outdoor Sports Club (SUDOSK) was founded in November 1999 as one of the first clubs of the University. Scuba (SUSS), one of the two branches that initially operated within the club, later developed into a club in its own right. The other branch, Mountaineering and Rock Climbing Branch, continues to operate under the name SUDOSK. At its core, SUDOSK aims to gather everyone who is experienced in outdoor sports under one roof and welcome anyone who have not had a chance to experience outdoor sports to introduce them the disciplines such as climbing, mountaineering, and camping. SUDOSK aims to allow its members to gain knowledge on outdoor sports with the basic, advanced and climbing trainings. In addition, the climbing wall that SUDOSK controls which has been actively used since 2001 allows our members to get to know climbing sport and improve their climbing abilities. With the equipment in the club, SUDOSK aims to help its members not encounter financial obstacles for doing outdoor sports. SUDOSK shares its own equipment to support its members in doing activities that are either planned by SUDOSK or not. As a club that appeals to a larger audience every day, our ultimate goal is to make this development continuous and sustainable to make SUDOSK an active club among the university clubs in the country where outdoor sports are done with outmost respect to nature and the society.

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Name SurnameMailPosition

Fikret Değirmencioğlu

Seher Irmak Soğancıseher.soganci@sabanciuniv.eduCo-President
Beril Kiyanferberil.kiyanfer@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Alp Derelialp.dereli@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Arda Gencerarda.gencer@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Ata Yekta Özyekta.oz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Azra Atazra.at@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Bilgehan Çağıltaybcagiltay@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Buket Çakırbuket.cakir1@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Can Baran Özmeralcan.ozmeral@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Gülnihal Seda Erdemligulnihalseda@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Harun Yılmazharun.yilmaz@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Ilayda Efsane Algınaefsane@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Mert Ali İltermert.ilter@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member