Astronomy Society (ASTROSU)



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AstroSU aims to increase awareness and interest in astronomy and astronomy-related activities at Sabancı University. Through its open events held on campus, AstroSU helps foster a love for the science of astronomy and an understanding of its significance. Observation activities, seminars, workshops, and social media broadcasts in both Turkish and foreign languages are among the club's most important activities.

Name SurnameMailPosition
Ahmet Hakan Çelikağıahmet.celikagi@sabanciuniv.eduCo-President
Yusuf Efdal Yılmazefdal.yilmaz@sabanciuniv.eduCo-President
Ata Göktuğ Çimgoktug.cim@sabanciuniv.eduCounselor
Artun İşlerartun.isler@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Büşra Atasevenbusra.ataseven@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Enes İltaşenes.iltas@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Erenalp Küçükodacıerenalp.kucukodaci@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Mısra ÜnlüExequtive Board Member
Board Member
Pelin Durukanpelin.durukan@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Vedat Bayrakçıoğluvedat.bayrakcioglu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member