Family Business Club





As Sabancı University students, we have made history in Turkey by establishing the Sabancı Family Business Club, aiming to help young people gain deeper insights into family businesses and take informed steps. In line with this goal, we organize monthly sectoral visits to some of the country’s leading family businesses and host sectoral gatherings that bring together diverse industry groups. Additionally, through interactive workshops with consultants and faculty members, we acquire in-depth knowledge and experience in management and consultancy within family businesses. Furthermore, we place great importance on building a strong alumni network and strengthening our ties with alumni through exclusive events tailored for them.

Name SurnameMailPosition
Talha Şahikataha.sahika@sabanciuniv.eduPresident
Annajemal Meredovaannajemal.meredova@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Engin Veli Fedaioğluengin.fedaioglu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Kıvanç Uslukivanc.uslu@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Mert Kurtmert.kurt@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Nur Uzunnur.uzun@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Rasim Gararasim.gara@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member
Yusuf Demirciyusuf.demirci@sabanciuniv.eduBoard Member